Why can’t I see AstraZeneca in my customers list in Coupa Supplier Portal?

In order to check why AstraZeneca is not visible in your customers list in Coupa Supplier Portal, please complete the following steps:

1.      Go to “Setup” from the main blue menu bar

2.      Select “Legal Entity Setup” on the left hand-side

3.      Click on blue “Actions” button

4.      Choose “Manage Legal Entity”

A new 4-step window will open. Please click on “Continue” and make sure that AstraZeneca box(es)1 is/are checked in step 2 under ‘Which customers do you want to see this’ section.

Click “Continue”.

Perform the same in step 3 by clicking “Manage button”, scrolling down and ensuring AstraZeneca box(es) is/are checked under ‘Which customers can use this account’ section. Click “Continue” and “Done” to close the 4-step window. 

1) If more than one available, please check all AstraZeneca customer boxes.

Additionally, to verify all settings, please perform the following steps in the user profile:

1.      Go to “Setup” from the main blue menu bar

2.      Select “Users” on the left hand-side

3.      Check if respective user has access to see AstraZeneca as customer.

4.      If AstraZeneca is not on the list, click on “Edit” button, check AstraZeneca box(es) under customers section and save the changes.

Lastly, go to ORDERS from the main blue menu bar and ensure AstraZeneca is selected as customer in the pull-down menu on the right:

In case AstraZeneca is still not visible on the list, please reach out to GBCS Supplier Enablement GBCSSupplierEnablement@lcsgxgy.com for additional assistance.